I am proud to announce that I am now a HootSuite Solution Partner.

HootSuite is a social media management system for businesses and organizations to collaboratively execute campaigns across multiple social networks from one secure, web-based dashboard. Key social network integrations include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+, plus a suite of social content apps for YouTube, Flickr, Instagram, Yammer, Tumblr and more.

In 2013 HootSuite hit 7 million users, including 79 of the Fortune 100 companies. Along with HootSuite’s web platform, 50% of users access the dashboard through their mobiles including iPhone, Android, and iPad. HootSuite also offers localized versions of their dashboard in 14 languages – English, French, Italian, Japanese, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified, Dutch, Polish, Korean, Russian, and Indonesian.

There are many benefits to HootSuite ProEngage: Optimize your audience engagement by creating search streams, scheduling messages and monitoring all of your social network profiles from one customizable web and mobile dashboard.

Collaborate: Invite clients and colleagues to participate in your social media management. Assign messages for follow up and share streams, helping you increase efficiency.

Analyze: Measure your efforts using over 40 social analytics modules to build and share custom reports. Or select from one of our pre-made templates for quick and easy reporting.

Secure: Share access with team members without compromising security. The team permission levels and advanced sharing options ensure you remain in control of your valuable social profiles and accounts.

Sign up for a 30-day free trial of HootSuite Pro now:


Before you hit ‘post’

If you are new to social media or have only used it for personal networking you might want to stop and consider the points below before you start business networking

  1. Have a purpose.  Why are you posting? For example do you want to inform, initiate a response, gain followers, and promote yourself /your brand?
  2. Don’t just vent. Just because you are angry about something don’t just vent for several reason, mostly 1) others might not care about these things 2)You may say things that are offensive or that you later regret  3) You are unlikely to be objective
  3. Who cares? One of the comments I hear from people who do not use social media because ‘I don’t care about what celebrities are doing or what other people have had for breakfast’.  So, before you post that update ask yourself who cares.
  4. Be relevant. If you post things which resonate, again ask yourself why people will read it and why
  5. Is it the right platform?  There are many different social media platforms and it is important that you select the one which will reach the audience which you wish to reach in the format which they will engage with.  E.g. if you want to engage businesses LinkedIn might be the best platform
  6. Is this the right audience? In order to ensure you are on the correct platform you need to think about whom your audience is and which platform they are using.
  7. Spell check, don’t use profanities, and don’t offend.
  8. Would you be embarrassed?  Remember that once you post something you can’t ‘take it back’ and even if you post it on a ‘closed’ forum don’t post anything which you would not want anyone else to read.
  9. Don’t use abbreviations/jargon
  10. It is clear? – will people understand the point you are trying to make?

 So now why not just have a go?

A beginners guide to social media for Business

If you are in business you probably know the value of networking face to face and building relationships with customers and colleagues, but do you make use of social media to promote your business. Using social media means that you can network even when you cannot make an event – you do not have to wait until the next event to promote your business. You can use social media to extend your network, cement existing relationships and build your profile, so don’t make the mistake of thinking that Facebook and Twitter are just fun for kids or publicity for celebrities etc. It is true that they CAN be those things, but they are also a great means of staying in touch, getting support from others and maybe even finding a job, building a business or attracting customers!

Combining social media with mobile technology (smartphones etc.) means that you can network virtually anywhere and at any time so don’t miss out and get left behind. Remember, if you are not on social networks and your competitors probably are, when potential clients are looking on social media they will not even know that you exist but they will see your competitors.

There are hundreds of social media platforms, the main ones used by business are LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.


In addition to having a ‘personal’ profile on Facebook you can set up a separate business page. This is useful to keep your person and business posts separate and so, even if you don’t use Facebook as a personal, private network, your business can still have a presence on it.

The main difference between personal pages and business pages is that Instead of having friends, business pages have ‘Likes’. When someone likes your page their friends will see that and also whenever you post anything it will update their news feed   You can see what others are doing, raise your own profile and keep a look out for opportunities. In addition, posting, commenting and ‘liking’ other people’s posts will raise your profile further.

You can be as private as you want (ask about security settings if you are really worried) although the more you post, comment and ‘like’ the more visible your business will be to others. If you click on account you can change account setting (your person details) and privacy setting (what information you are willing to share and with whom).  Just a final word about ‘security’ don’t post person details and only accept friend requests from people you know and trust.


The first time you go on Twitter you might not be able to understand any of the posts as they do seem to use a foreign language! This is often because there is a 140 character limit on the posts so people use abbreviations and links. I can let you have some guidelines to help decipher the codes if you need it!

Start by following people who will make you laugh or whose opinions you respect. Every day I have a look for posts and know that if there are any they will make me smile and best of all they are usually easy to understand as they are just short funny comments or a simple title and link. You can also follow people or businesses you want to work with, people whose opinions you value, thought leaders or just to keep up with developments in your professional community. Because Twitter is constantly updated you can use it to get immediate feedback and also to spread news and ideas quickly.


I love LinkedIn! Use it a bit like Facebook and similar rules apply about privacy, but also remember it is about career and professionalism so make sure you give the right impression. A  professional photograph is essential and your profile should be carefully drafted to project the correct image of professional persona.

Did did you know that LinkedIn is fully searchable by Google?

Type in Catherine Jones Training and (at the time of writing)  the top answer is a link to my LinkedIn page. If I had a name other than Jones I might not even need to give the word ‘Training’ I have tried it for some of my colleagues with more unusual names and got them without any further information in the search. If you are on LinkedIn give it a try. It is also worth thinking about that when you put any information on, that will aid peoples searches and what they might use.

So as it is all about business/professionalism/career obviously the focus is different to Facebook.  I would definitely put a photograph on as people are more likely to contact you and unlike Facebook you might what to connect to people you have never met in person so it makes that a little easier.  There is no need to put any updates at all but I find it very useful to follow discussions and contribute if relevant. It is also a great opportunity to make contacts all over the world and discuss common interests. I would recommend joining relevant groups and follow discussions, comment and build relationships.

Google+ and Pinterest are also becoming more influential and will be covered in a later blog

If you would like help with social media find me on social media www.onepageprofile.co.uk/people/catherinejones/

Don’t blame Social Media

Many people avoid using social media because they worry about the effects of ‘getting it wrong’

Some time ago I wrote a blog on what was wrong with blame culture and why making mistakes is a good thing. – What’s wrong with Blame Culture?

So when I recently saw the following tweet with a quote attributed to Zig Ziglar it made me think about it again about how this applies to social media.

 ‘Statistics, when customers complain, business owners ought to get excited. The complaining customer represents more business’

Because sometimes it is not just a fear of failure prevents people taking action it is the fear not being perfect – making mistakes, making a fool of themselves etc.

As a social media coach one of the things which makes businesses nervous about putting themselves ‘out there’ is the potential of complaints or negative comments. Even though they understand the need and benefit of social media they worry about such things as

  • What if no one follows/likes/connects with me?
  • What if I post something stupid?
  • What if some one hacks my account and makes me looks bad?
  • What about if a customer complains on social media – everyone will see it?

To name a few!

As a coach I have to reassure clients and if required I give them the skills and knowledge to handle things when they do go wrong.

Firstly, I explain that social media is not a numbers game; it is about making real connections i.e. its quality not quantity. By understanding the different platforms and your audience you can define goals and strategies to make the connections which are of value. Think carefully before posting and ask yourself it is appropriate.

Before you hit post

Hacking – it can happen, so you need to understand the security features of your social media, passwords, access etc. If the worse should happen have a response ready and act quickly.

See customer complaints as an opportunity to improve! Your customers will talk about you whether or not you are aware of it. This is valuable feedback, demonstrate that you listening and care about putting things right. DO NOT get involved in a public argument even if the complaint is unreasonable. Respond publicly acknowledging that you have seen the complaint and would like to so resolve, so that everyone will see that you are addressing the issues and give the option to take it offline.  If customers see you responding in a reasonable and professional manner to complaints it will balance the effects of negative comments.

Finally, remember there are no mistakes, just opportunities to learn!

So, now what’s stopping you?